Predictive Maintenance

Know today what will happen tomorrow: Thanks to Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance with DriveRadar®, you can integrate components, machines, plants, and entire factories into a digital network that transcends the boundaries of individual companies. This allows you to respond proactively to any changes.

Improve your overall equipment effectiveness with DriveRadar®

Keeping ahead of the error
Keeping ahead of the error
Keeping ahead of the error

DriveRadar® is the name given to the concept at SEW-EURODRIVE that aims to provide an end-to-end digital map of drive components and system solutions so that customers can get a detailed insight into drive components, system solutions, and processes.

Collecting and evaluating data and predicting events

  • Condition monitoring:
    • Regular/permanent capture of the system status using sensor technology and measuring systems, such as endoscopy, thermography, and vibration measurement
    • Objective: Condition-oriented maintenance using current system status
  • Predictive analytics:
    • Constant capture of the system parameters to predict future failures
    • Concept from SEW‑EURODRIVE: Detection of anomalies, diagnosis, prognosis (digital twin)
    • Objective: Predictive maintenance by means of permanent collection of data evaluated by using machine learning procedures
  • SEW-EURODRIVE concept:
    The aim of DriveRadar® is to determine the state of products, machines, and systems by using existing data that is collected by the drive systems from SEW‑EURODRIVE during operation. Cutting-edge data analysis (machine learning) can be used to accurately predict imminent damage using a digital twin. This means, DriveRadar® can prevent unforeseen failures and interferences in operation, detect wear, and minimize downtimes.

Your benefits

  • Transparency

    thanks to the online capture of operating parameters (condition and operating characteristics)
  • Minimized downtimes

    thanks to early warnings in the event of critical system conditions or abnormal operating characteristics
  • Reduced costs

    thanks to the optimal exploitation of the component and system service life
  • Improved ability to plan

    maintenance and repairs

Avoiding production stoppages

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Industry 4.0 - Predictive Maintenance

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Keeping ahead of the error

Maintenance has become much more important in recent years, particularly as increasingly dynamic and complex production processes and technological opportunities have emerged. It is also an important but – in many sectors – still underused lever for optimizing value creation. Being able to avoid unplanned production stoppages results directly in increased availability. A whole range of options for doing just that are being discussed in both science and industry. As a pioneer in drive technology, SEW-EURODRIVE is already turning visions into reality.

In future, the information and data captured in drive systems will be visualized in a clear, user-friendly way (e.g. trend charts) and processed by cutting-edge analysis workflows (keyword: machine learning). This drive technology monitoring and analysis portfolio is being developed at SEW-EURODRIVE under the name DriveRadar®. The concept aims to make it easy for users working with SEW components and system solutions – even when working remotely – to always keep precise track of how a system is actually behaving when in use and whether maintenance work is needed. DriveRadar® gives operators of these systems the opportunity to unlock considerable added value and tap into potential for optimization. For example, it can provide greater transparency for the operational conditions of an analyzed drive, boost the availability of an entire system, make it easier to plan maintenance work, reduce the need to hold spare parts in stock, and create opportunities to optimize processes.

DriveRadar® will also be available for many SEW components and system solutions in the future and help operators to avoid downtimes and improve workflows. Characteristic features from all relevant components can be used to derive straightforward recommendations. As an expert contact, the company offers its customers valuable support in the form of a global service network and a modular service portfolio that can be tailored to specific requirements. Recommendations can be put straight into action.

Raising productivity

The key customer benefit of the DriveRadar® concept in future will be significantly higher productivity. Thanks to integrated functions that have been specially customized for SEW drive systems and system solutions, customers will be able to avoid unplanned downtimes and thus increase availability. At the same time, the continuous monitoring of characteristic features will ensure that maintenance work can be planned accurately.

From the start, there will be a clear focus on delivering a solution that is user-friendly on every level, thus offering customers a whole new user experience in DriveRadar®. This approach will stretch beyond the look and functions of the software interface. This end-to-end approach will also include simple and intuitive installation and the integrated global service network of SEW-EURODRIVE. All this will enable the customers to focus on their core processes, as all necessary maintenance measures can be taken over by people and systems that can be relied on.

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